- 12/16/2021 - 2021 - a year later and the situation in Denmark is still terrible
- 12/27/2020 - 2020 var a just terrible year as a Dane
- 05/12/2018 - Customers losing jobs - how is it going to affect me?
- 11/18/2017 - In Somaliland, European children are taught to hate our culure
- 11/04/2017 - What Spain is doing now is just not OK
- 07/28/2017 - Concern about disturbing news at Diamond Ranch Academy
- 06/21/2017 - Inhumane boarding school conditions in Denmark
- 05/11/2016 - What kind of parent would do this to a child?
- 02/13/2016 - Watch out forcing rehab upon people
- 01/16/2014 - Amazing new site
- 01/11/2014 - A girl missing
- 12/08/2013 - Exile as parenting tool
- 03/30/2013 - Greedy exchange students agencies
- 12/18/2012 - Stop school shootings
- 12/15/2012 - School shooting in Newtown
- 10/02/2012 - I am still here
- 04/04/2012 - I support the Danish Freedom Act
- 01/01/2012 - My new year wish
- 10/19/2011 - Don't support women centers
- 02/21/2011 - Maybe I saved the life of my cousin
- 09/02/2010 - Parenting - difficult, ungrateful job - but important
- 08/28/2010 - Despite teens being killed off parent continue to banish their children to programs
- 08/05/2010 - The 28 year rule can save Denmark
- 07/30/2010 - Academic fraud is stopped in Denmark
- 05/18/2010 - Accident
- 03/14/2010 - Concerns for my future
- 02/19/2010 - Camilla Broe can return home
- 02/17/2010 - Our welfare state is challenged
- 01/27/2010 - Now Vanzetti has been revenged
- 12/11/2009 - Did the United States scare Denmark?
- 12/06/2009 - Show trial in Italy - happy for my choice
- 11/07/2009 - Operation Day's work - undanish and waste of time
- 10/18/2009 - Exchange student and sexual harassment
- 09/20/2009 - Some choices I did make
- 09/17/2009 - Moving into a new apartment