I am glad this year is over. I live in a country which has been hit beyond any imagination. No other country on this earth have suffered like we ordinary Danes have done.
First there is this Chinese Covid-19 virus. This Corona virus has forced Denmark to close down nationwide 2 times. Now are sitting at home without being able to see our families with nothing other to do than telling the surrounding world how we suffer, so please bare with me. I have to let some steam out.
I ban the concept of globalization. It is not necessary. In the old days when the world was in order almost all the big nations went to China to ensure global trade finishing off some terrorists which named themselves Boxers.
It was a victory but none would properly looked at the long-term consequences because the idea was never that China should ship a lot of stuff out of the country. The idea was to bring-up the population which functioned like small children to be good consumers of whatever England could produce of stuff in India.
But the damage was done and now we have faced the consequences. Globalized trade is an error. Every country needs to fence off their borders so the pandemic can be dealt with once and for all.
Then we all have to make sacrifices. The time of mass-tourism should be stopped. People in other countries should learn how to grow their own food instead of hoping that many people from Europe will come down and sleep on their beaches. We on the other hand should learn how make a holiday pass in our own country.
The world would be better off. The climate would be better. We have the technology to produce goods without damaging the climate. Abroad in third world countries they do not. They should deliver their raw materials and let us turn the material into goods they can buy back.
Right now I feel that we in Denmark bear the full burden of the pandemic while the rest of the world are let off from suffering and death.
This should change.
That is what I hope of 2021. That the world will be just a little bit more fair, so we do not have to carry the burden entirely.
I wish everyone a good new year.