Greedy exchange students agencies

Not only will Italy hit Amanda Knox once again. She was aquitted but because Italy needs the public to read about other things that the corrupt Politicians they elect, they have started the case up again so it steals the headlines.


But I have just learned that a Danish Exchange student aged about 17 was sent home from Gay Mills in Wisconsin. It seems that it was illegal to have sex at that age over there.


I am asking: What kind of firm would arrange for a minor to stay at a place where they cannot have legally sex. I know that some exchange students have been raped by members of the host families and there had been no charges because they want to money to continue to flow in the system while they don't care about the youth in the exchange students.


But to send a girl aged to a state where she cannot have legally sex should be against the law. I will write my local politician to make such traffic stop.


If you are a parent considering to allow your child to travel one year to the United States please avoid the firms Explorius in Denmark and CETUSA in the States.


Check the local laws and if they are just as crazy as in Wisconsin it is not a place for young Danes.



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