Operation Day's work - undanish and waste of time

November 4, 2009 a few high school students participated in the Danish version of Operation Day's work.


What is their time used for?


Could they have done better remaining in school?


First of all we have to understand what kind of cause they collect money for. This year it is for schools in Rohdesia - presently called Zimbabwe. In Rohdesia the present ruler is Robert Mugabe which took over around 1980. While he promised to leave the farmers in peace and be a part of a government with participation of allies as part of the Lancaster House Agreement the history now show that he quickly made himself a dictator. Some 3,000 people were killed in the homeland of his former partner Joshua Nkomo. Later the mostly white farmers were expelled from their land and had to leave the country in order to survive.


As the author Georges Remi so clearly described in his book in 1930 about an Belgian journalist visiting central Africa, people like Mugabe lacks the skill to rule a country in a way which secure little things like food to the people. Today people are starving. Mugabe will have to find whatever success if any they can show in order to justify his rule.


Here the Danish High school students come into the picture with some aid to him. If they can secure funds to the schools in Zimbabwe his minister for education can show some results and claim that they are result of hard work from his people. Like any dictorship in the world he controls the press and it would be easy to sell this story to the population, which is poorly educated. Some to a point where they cannot even read. With other words: There are a huge risk that hard work done by Danish students will be abused by the marketing machine down in Zimbabwe.


I feel that that comittee responsible for selecting a country in Africa could have done better. In fact I feel that the concept by the whole Operation Day's work idea is wrong. Using your time for voluntary work as a Dane is wrong.


We have chosen to establish a society where any need is paid for by taxes. Is does have the benefit that people can concentrate on making the best out of their own life and the firm they work for which in return means that the productivity in the Danish firms are among the highest in the world.


Conscience makes people second-guess and doubt their descisions. I call for a ban on voluntary work among high school students. We have to preserve our welfare society. During the last 20 years Denmark has seen a burden so huge as never before. Housing thousand of so-called refugees as result of the war on terrorism has meant that we had to abandon core elements in our welfare nation like the early retirement ("Efterløn"). 


While a majority of the refugees have been exposed working full time abroad earning huge wages while they remain on welfare in denmark, we have been able to deport some back to their homeland, but the number of refugees are still to high. Just checking up on 11.200 people for cheating as it is the case this year demand huge ressources.


We need Danish High School students to consentrate on the welfare of their fellow citizens instead of doing voluntary work which will be a favor for a dictator only. I know that it is far from the first time, the Danish comittee of Operation Day's work are under attack for their choice of beneficiary.


When they started their activities in Denmark they helped rebuilt schools damaged by attacks when Sandinista overthrew the peaceful government of Somoza in Nicaragua.


Today this activity would have been illegal and their fund would have been confiscated. Today we have the Interpol Terrorism Watch List. Had this list existed in 1985 the Danish comittee would have been shut down because the Sandinistas would have been on the Patriot Act Terrorist Exclusion List.


It is sad the this so-called charity continues to be operating today. Fortunately it is reported that the number of students participating is about 10 percent in some schools.

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